Currently, the money transfer service from the US to Vietnam is growing day by day. There are many channels to transfer money from the US to Vietnam such as via banks, Western Union, credit companies.

The demand for money transfer from the US to Vietnam is increasing, to meet the needs of the market, money transfer services from abroad to Vietnam are gradually blooming through many different channels. However, the most interested money transfer channel is still transferring money from the US to Vietnam via banks. So how is this service?


Money transfer services from the US to Vietnam: 

Western Union International Money Transfer

Western Union is a service used for remittance payment needs of people traveling across the country. In today's dynamic economic environment, Western Union service is the place to send the trust of those who want to transfer internationally.


  • Safe money transfer
  • Fast money transfer/receipt, simple procedure.
  • Convenient, the place of delivery or receipt is very flexible.
  • Received in USD if the sender specifies the receipt as USD.
  • Fees are borne by the transferor, you will not have to pay any fees if you receive money in Vietnam



  • When sending money from Western Union online, you must have a bank account before making international transactions
  • For the offline form, you must go directly to the bank to complete all the detailed procedures. You must perform the transfer operations during office hours and must go directly to the bank to discuss with the staff.
  • For some citizens who want to send money back but not knowing the local language can be a disadvantage for them.
  • The fee for transferring money from the US to Vietnam is relatively high (returning to 6000 USD will cost about 300 USD).


Transfer money through banks

To transfer money from the US to Vietnam, you can send a message to your family to transfer money through the bank and receive it with your ID card. That is, you will provide your name, address, ID number and bank you want to receive money for family members in the US for them to transfer money through the Bank. Then, you use your ID to go to that bank to receive money. This form does not require you to open an account.