When it comes to Ensure Milk, everyone seems to know that it is a milk line belonging to the famous American brand Abbott that provides a large amount of essential minerals and vitamins for the elderly, sick people, children, pregnant women and thin people, etc.. Nutrients in Ensure milk have up to 24 types of Vitamins E, A, C, iron, calcium, zinc, etc. However, most users may not fully understand and There are still problems with this particular product model. Here are the things that are probably useful for all of us Vietnamese compatriots.


What effect does Ensure milk have?

The effect of Ensure milk can be summed up:

  • Add nutrients to the body
  • Replenish frames, improve physical health
  • Stimulates the growth of tissues, muscles, bones and cartilage
  • Supplement many important vitamins, proteins and minerals
  • Help the patient increase the speed of recovery
  • It is a useful product for the elderly, children with anorexia and sick people
  • For people who eat poorly, stress, lose weight


      Who needs Ensure milk? Many people think that Ensure milk contains a lot of sugar, but at that time there were very few recommendations that should not be used even for patients with diabetes. This product can be used completely for all genders from young children to the elderly. For those who are sick, treat diseases in supermarkets, restaurants, want to improve physical health or want to recover quickly, Ensure milk very compatible. Even for those who want to gain weight, Ensure is also a useful drink because it will help provide essential nutrients for the frame. Even if you want to lose weight, you can completely replace eating starch by drinking a glass of Ensure milk. The problem is that compatible use will bring optimal high performance for each person. How to use it compatible and save and protect The elderly or patients or those who are not good at restaurants and shops should supplement. Get a few extra servings of Ensure each day to help your frame get the extra nutrients it needs. Ensure can be used to replace a part or a series of meals while still protecting enough nutrients for patients and picky eaters. Milk should be mixed according to the recommended dosage and use boiled or cooled boiled water instead of boiling water, which will cause the milk to curdle.


      Reconstituted milk should not be consumed completely, so it should be kept in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours of wearing. Canned milk has been opened, so it should be stored and protected in nature and a dry environment and used within a few weeks to 1 month, not for a long time. : bottled water and canned dry powder. The type of water bottle is convenient to carry when needed without having to mix it, but the price is high. Meanwhile, Ensure powdered milk in cans of 14Oz or 397g can be kept for a long time, easy to store and protect and with a low budget, it is very compatible with our country. Particularly, Ensure milk powder cans 14O z / 397 gr in our country often have product samples made from Australia or Singapore. In the United States, sometimes Ensure milk is made in the Netherlands, but most of it is made in the US. Easy-going people may not realize the uniqueness between Ensure milk products produced for the Vietnamese and American markets.


      In fact, the product samples made in the US taste better according to many people, and the milk powder is dried more, so it is better preserved and protected in a hot and humid natural environment like our country. Therefore, Ensure powder made in the US is always preferred in the US or our country. Abbott banned the export of Ensure powdered milk produced to the US market through our country, so the suppliers in our country did not import US Ensure milk. However, Ensure milk sent to our country from the US in the form of gifts for relatives cannot be blocked or banned. Therefore, the amount of Ensure milk powder sent to our country every month is up to tens of thousands of Cases (6 cans). The price of Ensure milk in the United States.